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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Serial LCD Controller using Microchip PIC16F628

by Unknown  |  in Microcontroller at  Thursday, November 13, 2014

Displays stuff sent through a serial connection from a PC or Microcontroller

10 October 2009
I discovered a flaw in the current design that will only allow the controller to work with a connection to the computer and not to a microcontroller.  I've updated the schematic below and will fix the controller design.  I've added a project file below that also includes the fixed schematic. 
If you look at the schematic you will notice that when you set the jumper to non-inverted so you can connect to a microcontroller for serial control it will not work.  The reason is in the way I designed the circuit for both inverted/non-inverted RS232 control.  Looking at the transistor in the circuit, the collector is held high through a 10K resistor.  The collector feeds to the Rx pin on the PIC.  When you set the jumper to non-inverted and attempt to send data to the PIC it won't work because the line is always tied high through R8 to 5V.
There is a fix and I have included it in the archive file below.  There are two ways to do this:
1.  If your board is already built and your intentions are to only use this LCD in a finished design and not attached to the   computer then, snip the connection from R8 to 5V and the controller will only work in the non-inverted configuration.
2. Look at the included schematic in the archive and add the shown J2 jumper to your design which will allow you to select between the two types of communication.
04 October 2009
I have redesigned the LCD Controller and updated the code.  The new schematics and code can be found below.  I ported the code from MBasic to PicBasic Pro.  I'll leave the old code up for those who still want it. 
The files below are from a project that I have been working on for a serial LCD controller for a 4x20 line parallel display with the Hitachi chipset.  I am also working on a USB design.  In the picture of the demo board there is a wire jumper installed.  This is because I screwed the pooch and somehow missed a crossed trace.  I had to repair the board.  In the download files the PCB files have been fixed.  I'll upload some video of functionality when I get a chance.
The code and project files have been posted in the download links.
Project file downloads
Old code:
05 October 2009 Project Files
Ensure all the files are unzipped to the same folder.  The include file that is referenced contains the fuse settings for the selected PIC chip.
I will be uploading a version soon that allows the type of LCD to be set.  This will allow the same controller to be used for a variety of LCDs.  I can't squeeze that functionality into a PIC16F628 chip without removing some of the current functionality.  So, I am porting that over to a PIC16F88.
More to come...

Breadboard testing of the LCD controller

Software application for testing functionality

LCD controller schematic
A better view of the controller schematic can be downloaded from the link below:

USB version of the LCD controller
seriallcd05.jpgA better view of the controller schematic can be downloaded from the link below:

Optional power supply schematic
power01.jpgA better view of the controller schematic can be downloaded from the link below:

Component layout
PCB with two controllers and the optional power supply

PCB bottom side

PCB top side


LCD prototype board component view

Prototype board attached to the back of a LCD


Serial LCD Controller v1.4

C1    0.1uf
D1    1N4148
J1    16-pin Header
J2    4-pin Header, Right Angle
J3    3-pin Header
J4    6-pin Header. Right Angle
JP1    Shorting Jumper
Q1    2N2222
Q2    2N2222
R1    1M
R2    10k
R3    1k
R4    22k
R5    15
R6    10k Potentiometer
R7    1k
R8    10k
U1    PIC16F628
X1    20Mhz
HD44780 20x4 LCD Module Display


USB BUS Powered LCD Controller

C1    0.1uF
C2    10nF
C3    10uF
C4    0.1uF
C5    0.1uf
D1    1N4148
F1    500mA, Ferrite Bead
J1    USB Type B, Digikey 787780-1-ND
J2    ICSP, 6-Pin, Right Angle Header
J3    LCD Connector, 16-Pin Header
J5    2-Pin Header
J6    2-Pin Header
JP2    Shorting Jumper
JP3    Shorting Jumper
Q1    2N2222
R1    330
R2    330
R3    1M
R4    10k
R5    15
R6    1k
R7    10k
SW1    Power, SPDT
U1    FT232RL
U2    PIC16F628
X1    20Mhz

*NOTE* All resistors on the controller board are 1/8 watt

5V Power Regulation v1.0

C1    10uf
C2    0.1uf
C3    10uf
D1    1N4004
D3    1N4004
J1    Power Jack   
J2    3-pin header   
LED1    Light Emitting Diode   
R1    220
SW1    SPDT Slide Switch
VR1    LM7805

*NOTE* All resistors on the power board are 1/4 watt

You can do a search on eBay for the LCDs and you will find them listed for as cheap as $5.00 minus shipping.
 04 October 2009 - Redesigned Controller
I have redesigned the controller to use some surface mount components.  This is still a prototype and the final version will have all surface mount components and be a bit smaller.  I also ported the code from MBasic to PicBasic Pro.  MBasic is a great program but the makers have not updated it to include newer PICs.  As such, I've been using PicBasic Pro which is a really nice basic compiler.  The code size and speed rivals that of some PIC-C compilers.
Newest Schematic with fix for connection to PC or microcontroller
Better view of the schematic can be downloaded at the following link:http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/0gbrdTCrjH6KJyib-i33EQ?feat=directlink
Old schematic with flaw.  Recommend not to build from this schematic
Better view of the schematic can be downloaded at the following link:http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Yi30Oi9tf_1AIOc2Z4cDGw?feat=directlink
Better view of the schematic can be downloaded at the following link:http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ySbtGz3Fb4xDZ26780GD8w?feat=directlinkHobbybotics%20LCD%20Backpack%20v2.4_PCB.jpgHobbybotics%20LCD%20Backpack%20v2.4_PCB.jpg

Hobbybotics LCD Controller V2.3
ComponentDescriptionPart NumberVendorCost
C10.1uf, SMT 080580-C0805C104M5RMouser$0.05
D11N4148, D0-35512-1N4148T26AMouser$0.03
J18-Pin Straight Header, Male855-M20-9730846Mouser$0.20
J26-Pin Receptacle, Female649-68685-306LFMouser$1.75
J36-Pin Receptacle, Female649-68685-306LFMouser$1.75
J46-Pin Polarized Header571-6404546Mouser$0.27
JP12-Pin Jumper855-M22-1920005Mouser$0.25
Q12N2222, SOT-23512-MMBT2222AD87ZMouser$0.06
Q22N2222, SOT-23512-MMBT2222AD87ZMouser$0.06
R11M, 0805, 1/8W71-CRCW0805J-1M-E3Mouser$0.07
R210k, 0805, 1/8W71-CRCW0805-10K-E3Mouser$0.05
R31k, 0805, 1/8W660-RK73B2ATTDD102JMouser$0.06
R422k, 0805, 1/8W71-CRCW0805-22K-E3Mouser$0.05
R515, 0805, 1/8W71-CRCW0805-15-E3Mouser$0.05
R610k, Potentiometer72-T70YE-10KMouser$0.74
R71k, 0805, 1/8W660-RK73B2ATTDD102JMouser$0.06
R810k, 0805, 1/8W71-CRCW0805-10K-E3Mouser$0.05
SW1DIP-2 Switch611-SDA02H1BDMouser$0.56
U1PIC16F628A, SOIC-18579-PIC16F628A-I/SOMouser$2.14
X120Mhz Resonator815-AWCR-20.00MDMouser$0.32
HD44780 20X4 LCDRT204-1Ebay$10.80
PCBPrinted Circuit BoardHBLCD-V2.2ExpressPCB$14.14




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